Collected: $0
Goal: $2500
We have a darling little dog named Dumplin.She will be 6 years old on January 15.For the past 7 months, she has had diarrhea,almost constanly. Sometimes watery,sometimes mush.She is a datson/chawawa mix. Before she was sick,she weighed 22 pounds. Now she only weighs 12. She dosent seem to be in pain though. She is on prednisone and a medicine to slow her stomach down. She is not getting any better. She is also on stomach sensative food. We love her very much and it is so heartbreaking to see her like this.Our children are really up about this also.We dont know what else to do. Im praying that God lets this letter be read by someone who can help us. We would be very thankful for any help. I can give more specific info. about Dumplin to anyone that finds it in there heart to help us. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. God Bless you and your familey.